
Myles Shin


creator + initiator

computer science + economics

tech + business

Los Angeles + Nashville

01this is me01

growing up

baby photo picture on a cruise 1st baby picture of me baby picture of me
picture of me in fourth grade my family picture of me in Canada picture of me now






at Vanderbilt, i studied computer science and economics. i led the Google Developer Student Club as president where i led workshops for both front-end and back-end development, teaching students how to create functional applications. also, i was the head editor of the technology and entrepreneurship section of the Vanderbilt Vanguard, the STEM newspaper at Vanderbilt, where I edit articles from our team of journalists.

Vanderbilt logo




Flow logo

full-stack developer

flow is my finance tracker app that i created use javascript and firebase. this project was meant to help me learn the innerworkings of firebase and databases in general. as someone who tracks all of their own finances, this was a fun project that let me tailor the app to my needs. click to view my app.

vandy marketplace

Vandy Marketplace logo

full-stack developer

vandy marketplace is a web application created to help members of the vanderbilt community buy and sell items with each other. every user is a verified student (faculty, alumni, etc.) via their vanderbilt email and users are able to buy, sell, and message users about their postings. additionally, users are able to bookmark posts via the like button, delete their posts, and search/filter for items. as a full-stack developer in this project, i used React, Javascript, Firebase, and Jest throughout the project to create the sell item form, messaging feature, data spamming prevention, general ui, and unit tests.
click to view my app.

tread lightly

Tread Lightly logo

founder | app developer | head editor

tread lightly was created in order to get gen-z to read the news more. with most articles on other news sources, like apple news, being well over 5 pages long, lots of people just don't want to read for that long. so, this website and app has articles under 250 words with a casual vibe to get the new generation to read the news.